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Sianbrowett's Shop

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I’ve been teaching for 11 years and love creating engaging, student led lessons that allow students of all abilities to enjoy English and achieve to the best of their ability.




I’ve been teaching for 11 years and love creating engaging, student led lessons that allow students of all abilities to enjoy English and achieve to the best of their ability.
Descriptive Writing lesson - Show, don't tell.

Descriptive Writing lesson - Show, don't tell.

A descriptive writing lesson building on a class' understanding of 'show, don't tell'. Looking at building simple sentences into showing sentences where descriptive techniques have been used to create impact. List of techniques needed, teacher model, sentences to convert to description, self assessment.
Itinerant Workers - Theme of Isolation - Of Mice and Men

Itinerant Workers - Theme of Isolation - Of Mice and Men

Focus on possessions to explore isolation. What do itinerant workers carry on them? Symbolic meaning to any items? Exploring items in detail. Whit and the Bill Tanner letter. Crooks and his possessions. Analysis of theme of isolation. PQEL framework and mark scheme.
Of Mice and Men Resource Bundle

Of Mice and Men Resource Bundle

7 Resources
How to structure an essay. Context - Steinbeck, Itinerant Workers. Teacher models. Mark schemes. Themes - Dreams, Isolation, Relationships. Characters - Crooks, Curley's Wife, Whit, George and Lennie.
Assembly - Homelessness in the UK

Assembly - Homelessness in the UK

Looking at views of homelessness and the facts about homelessness in the UK. Exploring why people are homeless. Clip on homelessness in the UK. How can we help - Big Issue clip. Avoiding being judgemental and being grateful for what we've got.
Woman in Black - Full Scheme of Work

Woman in Black - Full Scheme of Work

Full SOW - Bridging unit for Year 9 students - GCSE. Complete SOW with Power Points, YouTube clips and worksheets. OFSTED rated 'Outstanding' lessons. Covers creative writing, speaking and listening and analysis. Previously up on TES and had 33 reviews at 4.9 stars and was recommended for teachers by the TES Resource Team, featuring in their English newsletter.
Essay Writing  - Of Mice and Men

Essay Writing - Of Mice and Men

Focus on how to develop analysis and structure a solid essay. Common errors with essay writing. Pair work to explore George and Lennie's relationship. Close analysis of language - authorial intention. Teacher model of introduction, main body and development. Mark scheme.
Writing to Inform

Writing to Inform

Lesson on how to make engaging writing to inform. Question to write. List of techniques. Tips on how to plan and write. Looking at TAPS. Teacher models to analyse.
Theme of Dreams - Of Mice and Men

Theme of Dreams - Of Mice and Men

Discussion on what dreams are and why we have them. Robert Burns' poem - how does this influence our understanding of the theme? Brief analysis of poem. The American Dream. Dreams of characters. Lennie and George's dream - how is it similar, how is it different.
Steinbeck and Themes - Of Mice and Men

Steinbeck and Themes - Of Mice and Men

Exploring Steinbeck and major life events. Sort events into correct order. What aspects of the context are reflected in the novella? What aspects of Steinbeck's own life are reflected in the novella? What about key themes? What does the language used by itinerant workers reveal? Word match up task. Question on Steinbeck.
Curley's Wife - Of Mice and Men

Curley's Wife - Of Mice and Men

Discussion of how she's presented. Authorial intentions of her presentation. Finding quotes to analyse. Example of teacher model - analysing quote. Exam question. PQEL framework. Mark scheme.
George and Lennie - Of Mice and Men

George and Lennie - Of Mice and Men

Lesson exploring the relationship between George and Lennie in OMAM The different types of relationship How they relationships are presented Analysis of quotes - teacher model Development of more sophisticated ideas Asks students to do an in-depth analysis of a quote with authorial intentions linking to theme
Crooks - Of Mice and Men

Crooks - Of Mice and Men

Developing understanding and analysis of Crooks. Discussion whether he's better off than the other itinerant workers. Pair work gathering information/analysing - possessions, childhood, interactions with Lennie, Curley's Wife scene, his offer to join the dream. Class feedback. Answering exam style question.
How to introduce and develop character

How to introduce and develop character

A self contained lesson on how to introduce characters to a story and how to develop them. Looking at two different introductions - description and slow reveal. Slow reveal looks at drip feeding backstory. Opportunities for class discussion. Teacher model. Analysis. Extension task. Peer analysis.
Structuring a Short Story

Structuring a Short Story

Looking at basic structure - beginning, middle and end and the drawbacks. New structure that makes writing more engaging. Short Pixar film to watch to note basic plot points. Development is to include more developed points that link to structure. Plan own story. Write engaging opening. Success criteria.
Mini Scheme of Work on Autobiographies and Biographies

Mini Scheme of Work on Autobiographies and Biographies

Roughly 2 week SOW for first years and second years covering autobiography and biography. PPTs with creative writing tasks, analysis of extracts of autobiographies and biographies, exploration of media such as book covers and the intention on colour, shape and layout. This scheme of work aims to improve analysis, creative writing and introduce exploration of media.
Writing to Argue

Writing to Argue

Lesson on writing to argue. Focus on counter-argument with examples. List of techniques. Teacher model to annotate and analyse. How to plan for/against. Question to answer.
Developing Language Analysis

Developing Language Analysis

Lesson looking at connotation and denotation to help students look for meaning behind language. Extract to discuss and analyse. Model of how to analyse language. Model analysis to go though as a class. Differentiated tasks. Peer assessment.
Ageism - Of Mice and Men

Ageism - Of Mice and Men

Exploring the theme of ageism. Shooting of Candy's dog - questions to deepen understanding. Finding strong quotes. Context - information. Finding examples of agism and explaining impact.
Writing to Explain

Writing to Explain

A 33 slide PPT. Explores exam style writing questions. Writing to explain, looking at broadsheet newspapers, analysing examples, developing their own opinions and then writing an exam style answer.